PAS5500/750C DUV步进扫描系统使用成熟的248nmKrF技术,可以实现130nm的大规模生产。它结合了改进的0.7NA 4倍还原镜头的成像能力与调平系统中最新的多点创新,以及空中II照明技术,包括类星体、多极照明和可选的多重曝光能力。该系统配备了TTL对齐和ATHENA,以提高后端工艺层的对齐精度,配备了一个小于25nm的长期单机覆盖。
步进扫描光刻机PAS 5500-750C进一步减少开销时间,并结合提高客户作业的生产率,提供了130片/h晶圆(200毫米)的生产吞吐量。应用2kHz20WKrF激光器可以获得最低的操作成本。
Variable, 0.7 NA Deep UV Projection Lens
Production resolution down to 130 nm.
Step and Scan
Large field size, better CD control and lower lens aberrations.
AERIAL II Illumination with QUASAR and Optional Multiple Exposure Capability
Provides the ultimate flexibility in illumination modes at maximum throughput.
PAS 5500 Step-and-Scan Body
Commonality with i-line and 193-nm Step-and-Scan tools for economic mix-and-match.
8-Spot Level Sensor
Improved focus and leveling under production conditions.
ATHENA Advanced Alignment
Increased alignment accuracy process latitude.
Includes 2kHz 20W KrF Laser Technology with VariableLaser Frequency Control
The perfect combination of high laser power for high throughput and efficient use of laser pulses for
the lowest possible laser Cost of Operation.